
Awaiting the Other Shoe…

So when you’ve been living in a constant state of Overwhelm, a period of Peace can seem like the calm before the storm.
When you’ve been in a season of Survival, the essence of Thrive can seem like a tease.

I’ve been trying to be intentional about seeing the positives of each day. Each. Day. Even the hard ones.
And man, the way life has been lifing, there has been a long string of Hard Ones.

But I’ve seemingly turned a corner. I can see the forest for the trees.
Even the rainy days have been “good” days.

Then there’s that little Gnome of Doom who keeps peeking around the corner. Threatening to drop the Other Shoe.
Taunting me with his sinister smile of slime and nefarious nod of nothingness.
I’m ignoring him, trying to will him away.
I like my good days! I want to keep having them!
Please do NOT come up in here bringing all that Drama. Have a seat somewhere.

As long as I don’t give him any attention, The Good Days can hopefully continue. The minute I acknowledge him, he’ll take it as a sign to reenter with his chaos theory and turn things back upside down (or twisted sideways, or in a zigzag pattern, dependent on the day).

Why is it that when we’ve been faced with several good days (or a slew of good news, or anything of note that is uplifting and encouraging) we’re consistently shrinking back, waiting for the Other Shoe to drop?
(and by “we” I mean “me”).
Is this learned or conditioned behavior? Is there a cure for what ails me? Will there come a time that I’ve ignored the Gnome of Doom long enough that he just goes away?

I know you’re going to encourage me, tell me I’m not alone, and tell me to keep my head up…and I’ll keep taking your suggestions and encouragements and wisdom with a smile.

But I genuinely wonder if there will ever come a time when we (again, read: I) will ever be able to fully relax in the goodness that is surrounding me without wondering how long it will last.

Feel free to comment as you wish, but please be kind 💜
Love y’all

10 responses to “Awaiting the Other Shoe…”

  1. Gnome of doom – that’s a great name that describes how life sometimes seems to happen. I try to look for the good in each day but that doesn’t always work for me. I know it helps me to try living in the present, one day at a time. God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • YES. Since I’ve been trying to be in the Moment instead of in the Future, I’m seeing more “good days” but sometimes, man, it’s ROUGH!!!!!
      blessings to you, too, thanks for reading and commenting!


  2. I can relate to this so much! I am a waiting for the other shoe to drop person. I’m not sure what your string of hard ones have been but for me, little by little, the fear of the other shoe dropping gets smaller and smaller. It is still there but doesn’t take over (as much as it used to).

    Also-I love how you created a “person” and invite him to have a seat. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks!! Every now and then I peek to make sure the Gnome of Doom is keeping his distance, but I’m careful not to make eye contact 😉


  3. I can relate to your slice and I truly love that you have named your negative thoughts, “Gnome of Doom”. It takes the seriousness away, more playful as you swat it away in warning. Hopefully he will stop rearing his head, threatening to drop shoes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Brené Brown touches upon this in her writings. I currently forget what she says about it though. 🙄 But it resonated because I remember one day thinking wow life is good and then in the next breath thinking Oh no what’s going to happen. Breathe in all the goodness! You deserve it. You are worthy of it.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. First of all, there is so much amazing figurative language here – the personification and characterization, and don’t even get me started on the alliteration!!

    Second of all, it is honest and real, and I really appreciate that.

    Third of all, I don’t have a nefarious Gnome of Doom but I do have a “friend” I like to call the Anxiety Monster. As in – “This week has been tough, the Anxiety Monster has been hanging out with me all week!” Maybe my monster and your gnome can go bug off somewhere and leave us alone for awhile?!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love playing with words. And I have a hard time being anything but honest. Sometimes I mask it with humor. Sometimes I just let it out.
      I’m thankful for your encouragement because you know just as much as I do that putting yourself out there and being vulnerable is scary!!! But I am comforted in knowing you’re along for the ride =)
      I’m inviting your Anxiety Monster and my Gnome of Doom to have several seats, far far away from where we are. At least for a while. so that we can enjoy *being* for a spell 💜


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